I’m Shivian
my pronouns are:
xe / they

xe / they

Like many genderqueer individuals, I have two different set of pronouns which I’m comfortable being used to represent me. The first – xe – represents xe / xem / xir. The second – they – is for they / them. You can pick which set of pronouns to use to represent me, or use them both! Keep reading to learn more about the pronouns, and how to use them.

xe / xem / xir

The xe pronoun may be new to you, and that’s okay!

Xe is a neo pronoun (sources below), and you would use xe / xem / xir to refer to me. The X sound is pronounced like a Z.

For example:

  • They asked me → Xe asked me
  • I answered them → I answered xem
  • This was their request → This was xir request
  • That book is theirs → That book is xirs
  • They love themselfXe loves xemself

they / them

The second pronoun listed – they – is from the more commonly used they / them pronoun set.

my preference

Like others with multiple pronoun sets: you can use either, but my preference is the first pronoun listed: xe / xem / xir.


pronoun resources